Board Opening
A Board position has become available.
Crandon Lakes Community,
A position has become available on the CLCC board of directors. We would like to fill this position as soon as possible, and will follow the process outlined in our by laws. Board positions are voluntary and active opportunities to contribute to the lake community. They involve participation at monthly meetings and extensive committee work. Please submit a resume or biographical statement at the office or via by August 15, 2022 if you would like to be considered for the position. The board will consider all candidates in good standing from the community and select the next board member at the August board meeting.
We welcome enthusiastic members of the community to apply!
Kevin Peters
On behalf of the CLCC Board of Directors
Algae Update
A Crandon algae update.
We have identified a few potential sources for the increased nutrient load that is causing our algae issues. This will take time to resolve as we need to coordinate with homeowners and the towns. Please bear with us while we work to resolve this. More updates to follow.
In addition, it has come to our attention that we have a new fish in the lake. This fish is called Alewife, or Freshwater Herring. Some of you may have noticed that during the dawn and dusk hours there are areas of the lake where it looks like the water is boiling. These are the Alewife. It looks like we may have some very large schools of these fish in the lake.
These fish are filter feeders. They take in water through their mouths and filter it out through their gills. They eat small plankton and certain types of algae. The issue is that the plankton and algae they are eating are beneficial to our lake. These plankton and algae help keep the lake clean and free of the bad algae we have been fighting all summer. Because of the large fish population and how they feed, we know that this is another source of our algae issue.
These fish are a very common type of bait fish that fishermen will purchase to fish with. The reason they are in our like is that one or more fisherman is dumping their remaining live baitfish in the lake when they are done fishing. These fish reproduce rapidly, which leads to a large new population in the lake.
We plan to monitor our fisheries for the remaining warm water months. Upon determination of our fish population, we will most likely stock a native fish to our lake to increase the predators for the Alewife in hopes of reducing their population. If we decide to do this stocking it will happen in the spring.
We are asking all people that are fishing in the lake to avoid using this type of live bait. In addition, no matter what type of live bait, we ask they you do not release any live fish into the lake. Lake Patrol has been notified of the issue and will be checking in with people fishing to assure that they are complying with this.
We thank you all for your patience as we continue working to keep our lake clean and healthy. Keep an eye out for more updates in the future.
Thank you!
Lake Resource Committee
Changes to the Rec Calendar
Please note these changes to the Rec Calendar — specifically, the Cornhole Tournament and Kids Olympics.
The Cornhole Tournament originally scheduled for Thursday, August 4th is CANCELLED. Instead, a different date next week for the second kickball tournament is being worked out — Stay tuned!
The Kids' Summer Olympics event must be RESCHEDULED from August 27th to Saturday, the 20th.
Lake Health Update
A Crandon Lake health update!
As everyone knows, we have an issue with algae in the lake this summer. The cause of these algae blooms is excessive nutrients in the water.
We are actively investigating a point-source issue and we are hoping we can resolve that before next summer. In the meantime, there are a lot of small things we as homeowners/property owners in the lake community can do to reduce adding additional nutrients to the lake. These things are extremely important for lakefront property owners but are also important for all homeowners in our community. Every single property in the community eventually drains into the lake!
Do not keep potted plants on your docks or anywhere near the lake. The fertilizers and organic material from the soils in these pots will go directly into the lake.
Do not fertilize your lawns (lime is also bad). If you really need to, please research a natural fertilizer that is lake friendly.
Do not blow leaves, dump lawn clipping, or place any other debris in the lake. This is extra important during lake lowering. Just because more shoreline is exposed, doesn't mean that it won't affect the lake.
Do not dump anything into the storm drains and if you have one in front of your property, please try and keep the area around it clean.
Get your septic pumped every 2 years.
Thank you all for looking out for the health of our lake!
-Lake Resources Committee
Additional Yoga Dates
The second session of yoga will begin on Saturday, July 23.
Yoga, 2nd Session Beginning This Saturday
When: Sessions July 23 to August 27 ( Six Weeks of classes.)
The second group of sessions begins 7/23/22 at the same discounted price of $50.
Where: East Beach
Time: 9am - 10am
Bring a mat, towel and water
***Cost: $50 for six weeks ( Make out check or pay cash to Prana for Peace and bring first Saturday)
CLCC is matching the $50 Cost to residents for the classes.
Checks can also be dropped off to Office Staff in Pavilion
We need to have a minimum of six committed signups. Once we have that, there will be an option of $15/class.
If you will be one of the signups, let me know if you can. If not, Saturday will be fine.
This year has been highly successful and Kristi is back again! Hope to see you there! Great way to increase fitness and clear your mind!
BEGINNERS WELCOME! You can even do bench yoga! :)
Lifeguard Certification
LMCC is opening up their annual re certification training for Lifeguards to COLA members again this year. We have received some inquiries on when we would be holding these. Attached is the schedule.
Please click here to view the schedule. The cost to COLA members will be about $80 per person. This program is open to COLA members only. Documentation from the member lake attesting that the lifeguard is employed by them and covered by Workman's Compensation will be needed.
Lifeguards should also bring a copy of their certification and photo ID. Checks should be made payable to Lake Mohawk Country Club. Pre registration is required. We ask for COLA members to make a first and second choice as LMCC staff will have preference.
A Google Form Sign Up list will be sent out on Monday, April 18th by Derek where managers can sign up their staff. For those interested in sending their Lifeguards, please email Derek Pivko at
By the end of the month, we should also have a schedule for basic certification classes in Waterfront Lifeguarding and our In-Service Training schedule. As soon as it is developed, we'll forward to you for COLA.
As always, please never hesitate to contact me should you need further information.
R.D. Carlson Jr.
Sr. Marine Safety Officer
LMCC Marine Patrol
973-440-8767 Marine Patrol line
Virtual Meeting, January 18, 2022
CLCC is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting this coming Tuesday 1/18/22 @ 7:30 to hear the results of the recently completed Hydro-Lake Project and to answer any questions which you may have and for Larry to hear feedback from the community.
Here is the information needed to get to the Zoom meeting:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 837 1675 7120
Passcode: 362701
Lakefront Owners: Hydro Raking 2021
A special message to lakefront property owners regarding hydro-raking.
To: Crandon Lakes lakefront property owners
From: Crandon Lakes Resource Committee
Subject: Lake Hydro Raking
Dear Lakefront Property Owners,
We will begin a Hydro Raking project during the middle to end of October.
The areas that are being hydro-raked are the entrance cove, ball field cove, northwestern shoreline of the ball field cove, east side of the dam, and the east beach area.
To have access to these areas we are asking that any docks and boats on your shoreline be removed before the start of the project.
We will stop by your home to discuss or contact you by phone if your boat or dock is in the specific target areas. Again, the start date will be the middle to the end of October.
It is requested you remove any boats and/or docks during the weekend of October 15th or shortly thereafter. This will allow for efficient, removal of any organic materials surrounding your shoreline.
Final preparations for the hydro-raking project are being made. The project entails using a barge with a clamshell rake that will remove lily pads, vegetation, and organic materials from the lake. The hydro-raked materials will be loaded onto transport barges which will then transport the materials to the staging area located at the entrance cove. The materials will be unloaded into a drainage storage pan. Then an excavator will transfer the material into dump trucks. The dump trucks will then transport the material to an offsite disposal location.
Thank you for your cooperation as we work to maintain the health of the lake.
Lake Resource Committee
Boat Removal
CLCC October Shareholder's Meeting
Please note the changes to our annual October CLCC Shareholder’s Meeting, to be held on Saturday, October 27th at 10 am.
Due to the change in the By-Laws, our October meeting will no longer hold a budget vote. Therefore, NO PACKET WAS MAILED with budgetary info. The upcoming Spring Stockholder’s Meeting for Crandon Lakes Country Club, Inc. budget presentation and vote will be held in the month of April 2019. Please expect a mailing around this time.