Algal Bloom
A recent algal bloom in Crandon.
The Lake Resource Committee has been aware of the algal bloom that appeared over the last few days. At our request, Lake Management Sciences completed a shoreline survey yesterday and returned today (6/20) for treatment. The lake was treated with an algaecide. Results can be expected within 10-14 days of treatment. There are no water use restrictions with this treatment. We expect good results and are staying on top of the situation the best we can. As always, thank you for your patience as we work to improve the health of our lake! Get out there and enjoy the lake!
-Lake Resource Committee
Boat Ramp Damage
Regarding damage to the West Beach boat ramp.
CLCC Community
The West Beach boat ramp area sustained significant damage on 11/4/22 and has been roped off for safety. The work performed on the area was unauthorized by the CLCC Board of Directors. We solicited bids to remediate the situation. This work began late last week and will be completed as quickly as possible by an experienced contractor under a specific scope of work. It will fix the recent damage and complete the originally planned renovation of the area. Damages will be pursued for the unauthorized work.
As a reminder, all work on CLCC owned property requires written approval of the Board of Directors. Formal accurate information on board sanctioned activities is posted via our Facebook page , newsletter, email broadcast messages, physical message boards or at monthly CLCC board meetings.
CLCC Board of Directors
Lifeguard Certification
LMCC is opening up their annual re certification training for Lifeguards to COLA members again this year. We have received some inquiries on when we would be holding these. Attached is the schedule.
Please click here to view the schedule. The cost to COLA members will be about $80 per person. This program is open to COLA members only. Documentation from the member lake attesting that the lifeguard is employed by them and covered by Workman's Compensation will be needed.
Lifeguards should also bring a copy of their certification and photo ID. Checks should be made payable to Lake Mohawk Country Club. Pre registration is required. We ask for COLA members to make a first and second choice as LMCC staff will have preference.
A Google Form Sign Up list will be sent out on Monday, April 18th by Derek where managers can sign up their staff. For those interested in sending their Lifeguards, please email Derek Pivko at lmccwaterfront@gmail.com.
By the end of the month, we should also have a schedule for basic certification classes in Waterfront Lifeguarding and our In-Service Training schedule. As soon as it is developed, we'll forward to you for COLA.
As always, please never hesitate to contact me should you need further information.
R.D. Carlson Jr.
Sr. Marine Safety Officer
LMCC Marine Patrol
973-440-8767 Marine Patrol line
Lakefront Owners: Hydro Raking 2021
A special message to lakefront property owners regarding hydro-raking.
To: Crandon Lakes lakefront property owners
From: Crandon Lakes Resource Committee
Subject: Lake Hydro Raking
Dear Lakefront Property Owners,
We will begin a Hydro Raking project during the middle to end of October.
The areas that are being hydro-raked are the entrance cove, ball field cove, northwestern shoreline of the ball field cove, east side of the dam, and the east beach area.
To have access to these areas we are asking that any docks and boats on your shoreline be removed before the start of the project.
We will stop by your home to discuss or contact you by phone if your boat or dock is in the specific target areas. Again, the start date will be the middle to the end of October.
It is requested you remove any boats and/or docks during the weekend of October 15th or shortly thereafter. This will allow for efficient, removal of any organic materials surrounding your shoreline.
Final preparations for the hydro-raking project are being made. The project entails using a barge with a clamshell rake that will remove lily pads, vegetation, and organic materials from the lake. The hydro-raked materials will be loaded onto transport barges which will then transport the materials to the staging area located at the entrance cove. The materials will be unloaded into a drainage storage pan. Then an excavator will transfer the material into dump trucks. The dump trucks will then transport the material to an offsite disposal location.
Thank you for your cooperation as we work to maintain the health of the lake.
Lake Resource Committee
2 New Events Added!
Please note that there are two recreation events that are new to this season's calendar!
• CLCC Annual Fishing Contest on Sunday, July 15 from 7:30 am to noon. Find out more information here.
• Lakeside Jazz Performance also on Sunday, July 15 from 2 to 5 pm in the Crandon Pavilion. Please see this calendar listing here.
Calendar Updated
Please note that there have been changes to the lake recreation calendar. All event are updated on this site.
The CLCC calendar has been fully updated, through to the end of August.
Please note that there are some changes from the calendars that were mailed out at the beginning of June.
You can review all events and add each one to your own ICS or Google calendar with the click of a button within each post.
CLCC Website
Points to note about our new website.
The new Crandon website is now live (here you are!)
Here are just some reasons why our new site is so cool:
- All Crandon events will be listed with additional information. This will help to answer any questions that you may have regarding each event.
- You can add each event to your Google Calendar or ICS with the click of a button. If you have your personal calendar set up for alerts, then you will be alerted. All of the event info fills in your calendar once you click!
- Events can be easily published to social media.
- We now have a "news feed." Anything that the community needs to know will be posted here. You can subscribe to "CLCC Community Updates." If you do, you will receive an email at 8 am ONLY IF a news post has been added. (Please note that after signing up for alerts, you must also confirm. Also note that emails are sent confidentially.)
- You can comment on and follow each news post. (Comments will be monitored.)
- All CLCC forms are on the "resources" page. Some of these forms are boat registration, pavilion and beach reservation, etc.
Enjoy! We hope you enjoy it.
A test email will be going out today at noon.