Lake Health Update

As everyone knows, we have an issue with algae in the lake this summer. The cause of these algae blooms is excessive nutrients in the water. 

We are actively investigating a point-source issue and we are hoping we can resolve that before next summer. In the meantime, there are a lot of small things we as homeowners/property owners in the lake community can do to reduce adding additional nutrients to the lake. These things are extremely important for lakefront property owners but are also important for all homeowners in our community. Every single property in the community eventually drains into the lake!

  • Do not keep potted plants on your docks or anywhere near the lake. The fertilizers and organic material from the soils in these pots will go directly into the lake. 

  • Do not fertilize your lawns (lime is also bad). If you really need to, please research a natural fertilizer that is lake friendly. 

  • Do not blow leaves, dump lawn clipping, or place any other debris in the lake. This is extra important during lake lowering. Just because more shoreline is exposed, doesn't mean that it won't affect the lake. 

  • Do not dump anything into the storm drains and if you have one in front of your property, please try and keep the area around it clean. 

  • Get your septic pumped every 2 years. 

Thank you all for looking out for the health of our lake!

-Lake Resources Committee 


Attention Beach Goers


Algae in the Lake