Lifeguard Certification

LMCC is opening up their annual re certification training for Lifeguards to COLA members again this year.  We have received some inquiries on when we would be holding these. Attached is the schedule. 

 Please click here to view the schedule. The cost to COLA members will be about $80 per person. This program is open to COLA members only. Documentation from the member lake attesting that the lifeguard is employed by them and covered by Workman's Compensation will be needed. 

 Lifeguards should also bring a copy of their certification and photo ID. Checks should be made payable to Lake Mohawk Country Club. Pre registration is required. We ask for COLA members to make a first and second choice as LMCC staff will have preference. 

 A Google Form Sign Up list will be sent out on Monday, April 18th by Derek where managers can sign up their staff.  For those interested in sending their Lifeguards, please email Derek Pivko at

 By the end of the month, we should also have a schedule for basic certification classes in Waterfront Lifeguarding and our In-Service Training schedule. As soon as it is developed, we'll forward to you for COLA. 

As always, please never hesitate to contact me should you need further information. 

R.D. Carlson Jr.
Sr. Marine Safety Officer
LMCC Marine Patrol
973-440-8767 Marine Patrol line