Community Info. Crandon Lakes Community Info. Crandon Lakes

CLCC Designated Dog Area

There is only one area of CLCC property where dogs are permitted to swim. Please take note —

The park near the playground, or "the Cove" as some call it, is a designated dog swimming area. This is the only CLCC property where dogs are permitted to swim.

Please always pick up after your dog here and when walking. Thank you!

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Community Info., Recreation Crandon Lakes Community Info., Recreation Crandon Lakes

Please Note: July

Please note the following changes and additions to our schedule.

Please note the following changes and additions to our schedule.

  • PIYO WILL BE CANCELLED ON JULY 23. This class will resume on Thursday, July 30th — rain or shine. Please see the calendar for more details.
  • There is a CLCC Board of Directors Meeting on July 23 at 7:30 pm. This has not been changed, but worth a reminder. The first half hour is open for public discussion.
  • The Movie Night on Friday, July 24th will feature "Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory" (1971). Popcorn will be served, as well as retro movie popcorn (while supplies last!) Please arrive around 8 pm. The movie will be shown once it is dark enough to be viewed under the pavilion. Please see the calendar for additional movie information.
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Community Info. Crandon Lakes Community Info. Crandon Lakes

CLCC Board Election Results

The results of the CLCC Board of Director's Election.

Congratulations to our newly elected board members for the term starting in 2015!

Danielle Dippel, John Logie, Denice Murray, John Nelson & Paul Rockwood

Thanks to all the candidates for your interest in serving the community. It is very much appreciated.

Kevin Peters
President CLCC on behalf of the board 

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Community Info. Crandon Lakes Community Info. Crandon Lakes

Error on CLBOD Ballots

There is an error of the ballots for the Crandon Lakes Board of Directors. New ballots will be mailed out to members with a new deadline of July 18th.

Unfortunately due to an error by the Board in interpreting a recent By-Law change brought about by a recent resignation of one of our members, we inadvertently sent out ballots indicating there were four openings on the Board rather than five.

Due to this error on our part, we are extending the voting deadline to July 18th. New ballots will be mailed out in the next 7-10 days. We will announce the results on that day which also happens to be the Lake's Pig Roast.

Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause and we appreciate your support on this.

REMEMBER: Vote, Vote, Vote

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Community Info. Crandon Lakes Community Info. Crandon Lakes

Lake Treatment on June 9th

Please note that there will be a lake treatment on June 9.

The Lake will be treated on Tuesday 6/9/2015.
The entrance cove and ball field cove will be treated for weeds and Lilly pads.

 Normal restrictions apply. Please see signs posted around the area for specific restrictions.

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Community Info. Crandon Lakes Community Info. Crandon Lakes

Crandon Yard Sale is This Weekend

Please alert your neighbors that the Crandon Lakes Community Yard Sale will be this Saturday, June 13.

Please note that the Community Yard Sale is THIS SATURAY, June 13.

A "Community Yard Sale" ad will be published in the New Jersey Herald and The Township Journal this week. General signage will lead shoppers to our lake. We ask each home to post their own signage leading to their sale. Scarpulla Field may be used as well.

We are advertising a start and end time of 9 am to 2 pm. Feel free to post alternate times or additional dates on your signage. This time span has proven to be the most active for our area.

We understand that not all residents are online and on Facebook. The Crandon mailing will not get the word out to all residents until the very end of the week. PLEASE MAKE YOUR NEIGHBORS AWARE OF THE SALE. ADDITIONAL SIGNS WILL GO UP ALERTING THE COMMUNITY ON MONDAY.

Thank you!

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Community Info. Crandon Lakes Community Info. Crandon Lakes

CLCC Mailings

Expect CLCC's bi-annual mailing within the week.

All shareholders in good standing will be receiving CLCC's annual mailing within the next week. Your mailing will include: our bi-annual newsletter, summer recreation calendars and event descriptions, bios for candidate for the 2015 Board of Directors and a voting ballot. Your ballot can be mailed in if you are unable attend our Shareholder's Meeting on Saturday, June 20th at 10 am.

Recreational calendars can also be found here.

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Community Info. Crandon Lakes Community Info. Crandon Lakes

Alert! Coyotes

Please be on alert — coyotes have been seen in the area. Take these few precautions.

Be advised that coyotes have been spotted in our area.

Please be sure that your pets are safe.

Fish & Wildlife offers the following tips for avoiding encounters:

  • Never feed a coyote. Deliberately feeding coyotes puts pets and other residents in the neighborhood at risk.
  • Feeding pet cats and/or feral (wild) cats outdoors can attract coyotes. The coyotes feed on the pet food and also prey upon the cats.
  • Put garbage in tightly closed containers that cannot be tipped over.
  • Remove sources of water, especially in dry climates.
  • Bring pets in at night.
  • Put away bird feeders at night to avoid attracting rodents and other coyote prey.
  • Provide secure enclosures for rabbits, poultry, and other farm animals.
  • Pick up fallen fruit and cover compost piles.
  • Although extremely rare, coyotes have been known to attack humans. Parents should monitor their children, even in familiar surroundings, such as backyards.
  • Install motion-sensitive lighting around the house.
  • Clear brush and dense weeds from around dwellings - this reduces protective cover for coyotes and makes the area less attractive to rodents and rabbits. Coyotes, as well as other predators, are attracted to areas where rodents are concentrated like woodpiles.
  • If coyotes are present, make sure they know they're not welcome. Make loud noises, blast a canned air siren, throw rocks, or spray them with a garden hose.
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Community Info. Crandon Lakes Community Info. Crandon Lakes

Lake Opening Schedule

Lifeguards will be on duty before the lake's official opening this year. Please see this year's schedule —

This year the Crandon Lake beaches will be open from Saturday to Sunday with a lifeguard, beginning May 30th. The lake office will be open from 12-2 pm during this time.

The official lake opening will be on Saturday, June 20. From this date through to Labor Day lifeguards will be on duty from 12-5. The lake office will be when lifeguards are on duty.

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