2022 Lake Water Report

Lake Health and Management Report

Dear Crandon Lakes Country Club Members

As reported by Aquatic Analysts, Inc., the overall ecological condition of the lake is good considering its age. The only invasive vegetation currently growing in the lake is curlyleaf pondweed.  Years ago, another invasive species, Eurasian watermilfoil, was found growing in the lake but with treatment has been eradicated.  Currently growing in the lake are the following native weed species: coontail, elodia, naiads, horned pondweed, ribbonleaf pondweed, and slender leaf pondweed.  Algae blooms became an issue at times and were successfully treated and eliminated

Currently, there are two areas of concern; the main inflow from the swamp in the Ballfield Cove and the inflow on the west shore in the Ballfield Cove coming from Longwood Trail. It is felt that these two areas contribute to nutrients, sediments and biomass entering Crandon Lakes. The Hydro raking project in the fall of 2021 removed 312 yards of organic matter from the lake. This organic matter contained a significant concentration of phosphorus and nitrogen. With this organic matter removed, the lake should see higher levels of oxygen important to sustaining a healthy fishery.

The water lilies could not be hydro raked due to the firm lake bottom. In the future, to manage the growth of water lilies in the lake, Aquatic Analysts, Inc. will start aggressive herbicide treatment in June 2022 once lily pads are fully emerged. Areas to be treated are the Entrance Cove and the Northwest Cove. As a professional courtesy, Aquatic Analysts will not charge the CLCC for these treatments. Treatment will be given when authorized by the lake representative.

The Crandon Lakes Country Club Board has approved a contract with Aquatic Analyst, Inc, for 2022. The company will perform bi-weekly monitoring of the lake. They will observe the growth of algae and aquatic weeds and potential sources of external nutrient loading. They will treat these issues before they become a problem. During their visit, they will measure the water clarity, collect water samples for microscopic analysis and identify any issues.  In addition, aquatic plants will be identified and their location mapped. Herbicides will be applied to portions of the lake to control the growth of submerged aquatic vegetation during the season May through September.  Targeted vegetation will be curleyleaf pondweed, slenderleaf pondweed, ribbon leaf pondweed, horned pondweed.  Aquatics Analyst, Inc will determine which portions of the lake will be treated in their bi-weekly surveys.  The following herbicides will be used

Submerged Aquatic Vegetation: Diquat/Tribune/Aquathol-K

Water Lily: Rodeo/ Polaris/ Flumigard/ Semera

Algae: treatment will only occur if they suspect the onset of an algal bloom. They will proactively treat the areas of concern with Copper sulfate (algaecide)

The lake resource committee membership has been expanded to monitor the condition of the lake and address issues as they arise.  We will take a proactive stance to enhance the lake experience for everyone.  Please feel free to contact the volunteers on the committee with your concerns and helpful ideas lakeresources@crandonlakes.org

Gentle Reminder: Please do not put anything down the storm drains along the main road: they empty straight into the Lake

If you take your boats into another body of water; Please remember to rinse it off prior to putting it in the Lake.  We don’t want any invasive weeds!


Crandon Plant Life


2022 Lake Health and Management Report