2022 Lake Health and Management Report

Neighbors and Friends,

Attached below, please find a Lake Health and Management report for the 2022 season. This report has been compiled from several in depth documents we have required from our Professional resources.  To better understand our living lake and provide the best future management, we have developed a 2022 plan and are working on future goals and opportunities.

  • Overview:

    • Our lake is a living eco system that requires constant care, observation, and management. Although we face several challenges to keeping the lake a friendly, usable, fishery and recreation facility, we have learned that the lake’s ecological condition is in good condition considering its age. We have overcome some detrimental conditions of invasive weeds and continue to battle native weeds and algae. It is the committee’s goal to address these issues as they need attention and develop a long-range plan to supplement our present management. Listed below are excerpts in a bullet form to keep you aware of the projects and plans taking place. For a more detailed read please reference below.

  • Hydro raking Project

    • 312 yards of organic matter were removed

    • Due to the firm lake bottom it was learned that removing the Lilly Pads would have created a larger issue come spring due to not being able to completely remove the entire plant

    • The Water Lilly treatment is being addressed in our 2022 plan

      • Our Lake Treatment contractor has agreed to provide Lilly pad treatment at no cost

  • 2022 Plan

    • We have entered a contract with Aquatic Analyst for the season

      • Bi-weekly monitoring

      • Algae and weed control

      • Water clarity and sampling

      • Immediate issue identification and resolution suggestions

    • Expanded committee membership and now hold monthly committee meetings

    • Lake communication via email, newsletter, and social media

    • Lake lowering – FALL 2022

  • Future considerations and planning (discussed monthly)

    • Explore several alternative or supplemental lake treatments

      • Micro Bubblers / Water gardens

      • Sediment reduction

      • Weed harvesting

      • Budget and funding.

      • Inlet observation and remediation

    • Increased input and participation from fisherman, swimmers and boaters

    • Seeking input from several other lake communities

    • Main inlet remediation

      • Reduction of sediment and biomass entering the lake

    • Pursuing any available assistance

      • Township / Grants

If you want to correspond to the committee, please do so via lakeresources@crandonlakes.org

If you take your boats into another body of water; Please remember to rinse it off prior to putting it in the Lake.  We don’t want any invasive weeds!

Gentle Reminder: Please do not put anything down the storm drains along the main road: they empty straight into the Lake


2022 Lake Water Report


CLCC Employment