Community Garden

Since Spring is here again, once again it is time to start thinking about a plot in our Community Garden. Residents who had a plots last year can keep them, with the possibility of expansion depending on availability. If you are interested please contact me ASAP. We will continue to provide top soil, as needed, but remember you are responsible for putting up a border around assigned spots as well as maintaining and weeding your bed. Board staff will try and water regularly but ultimately, you are responsible for your plot.

So please let me know if you are interested and I will put you on a list. The plots are already marked out. Let me know and I will assign you a spot and Board office will have the diagram of the site.
More to follow but first send me an email so I can put you on the list. We are hoping to have all the plots assigned and have an active community garden!

We will be buying some new equipment so any ideas are welcomed.


Dr Paul