Boating Information

All boats on Crandon Lake are required to display our large, red "Crandon Lakes Country Club" stickers. There should be one of these on each side of the boat for easy visibility. The purpose of these stickers is to make sure that unauthorized people are not using our facilities.

Remember, these are permanent stickers that do not have to be replaced once they have been applied.

If you see a boat on our lake without these stickers, chances are they do not belong here. Please help out by challenging them, and calling the State Police at 973-383-1515 to report them as trespassers.

Please be courteous, and have some consideration for other residents. After launching your boat, DO NOT park your vehicle in the boat ramp.

Download the CLCC Boat Registration Form. This form should be completed and returned to the lake office. It may be dropped in the door mail slot should the office be closed. 

CLCC Boat Registration Form